Canada Forced Labour Report

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Forced Labour and Child Labour in Canadian Supply Chains Report


Executive Summary

This report is the first report prepared by Dong Phuong Group Partnership (business number: 836877662) that under Canada’s new Fighting Against Forced & Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.
The report is a joint report constituting Dong Phuong Group Partnership and its owned retail stores for the financial year 2023 from July 1 to June 30 in Canada. Our head office is in Edmonton, Alberta and we provide services of importing goods produced from overseas into Canada and distributing and wholesaling them to other retailers and our retail stores across Canada. Dong Phuong Group Partnership has no reporting obligations outside of Canada.
Dong Phuong Group Partnership has a policy in place for child labour and forced labour. We recognize the importance of human dignity and equality, and work must be voluntary for all candidates and employees as they will be freely leaving the employment or ending the relationship with Dong Phuong Group Partnership with reasonable notice and in compliance with local legal requirements

Steps Taken to Prevent and Reduce the Risk of Forced Labour or Child Labour

Dong Phuong Group Partnership conducts an internal assessment of the risks of forced and child labour in our activities and supply chains.
Our businesses follow the Canada Labour Standards Regulations on the age and employment requirements for each job position in company.
For our Canadian suppliers, we only purchase goods from those who have business licenses. If it comes to our attention that the suppliers are engaged in Child labour or forced labour, we will stop selling the product.
For overseas suppliers, we sent out a questionnaire regarding child labour and forced labour to identify whether they hire child labour or forced labour. We also ask them to provide the documents if they have corporate policies in place for child labour and forced labour. If it comes to our attention that they engage in these practices, we will discontinue purchasing from them and also provide them with educational material on child labour and forced labour.

Remediation Measures

As Dong Phuong Group Partnership has not identified any forced labour or child labour in our activities and supply chains, we have not had to take any measures to remediate any forced or child labour or forced labour.

Training to Employees

We provide mandatory training for some employees by providing them with our company policy on Child and Forced Labour to read and review. This will contribute to providing confidence and prevent the risk of forced labour or child labour being used.

Further Improvement and Actions in Monitoring the Compliance

Management of Dong Phuong Group Partnership will keep addressing the risks of forced labour and child labour in our business and supply chains. We will continue to apply assessments and manage supply chains up to date to identify new and emerging threats. Therefore, our policy and management will commit to being reviewed annually to assess the effectiveness of existing strategies.

Entities covered by this report.

Legal Name Business Number
Dong Phuong Group Partnership (Wholesaler/ Grocery –


Lucky 97 LP (Retail/ Grocery – Edmonton) 762199099
Lucky NE Edmonton LP (Retail/ Grocery – Edmonton) 762193696
Lucky Winnipeg #1 LP (Retail/ Grocery – Winnipeg) 761475524
Lucky Winnipeg #2 LP (Retail/ Grocery – Winnipeg) 762186492
Lucky Surrey LP (Retail/ Grocery – Surrey) 759919699
Lucky Sunridge LP (Retail/ Grocery – Calgary) 722951092
Lucky Calgary LP (Retail/ Grocery – Calgary) 762192896
Dong-Phuong Royal LP (Retail/ Liquor – Edmonton) 761476522
Lucky Master GP Corp (Administration/ Management – Edmonton) 762207496


Board of Statement and Summary
In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I, the undersigned, attest that I have reviewed the information contained in this joint report for the entities listed above. Based on MY knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, we attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.

Hoan Nguyen
Date: May 22, 2024
I have the authority to bind Dong Phuong Group Partnership.


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